Kabayan contemplates about a Qatar job offer

@tranquilizer would like to know first-hand information about a hospital from where she has a job offer.

Question: Hello Ms. Amor; I would like to ask if it is right to work at Al Esraa Medical Center in Doha, Qatar. I have a job offer there but one time, I read about some negative feedback about the working conditions. I would like to know the truth so I may decide on what to do. Please help me.

diarynigracia says: Hi @ tranquilizer. Sometimes, it is really quite confusing to believe or not the feedback we read about a certain company or employer. Let’s just hope that someone from Qatar who has reliable information on the subject, will be able to read this blog and be of help to you. Keep the Faith and Good Luck! Thank you, kabayan!



CORONAVIRUS:KUWAIT OFW QUARANTINE DAY #46-Combatting the Dissemination of Fake News

Humanitarian Response of the Coalition of Filipino Community Organizations in Kuwait (FILCOM)

Peace and love to you.

Gracia Amor
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